Sunday, June 12, 2011

Long Live Love

We went to a wedding today!  What a blessing to see two young people so in love and so excited to embark on their life together. 

Weddings are always a beautiful reminder of one of the greatest gifts I've every recieved.  My husband. 

I am today, was yesterday and will forever be grateful for the love of this wonderful man.

The kids were so exhausted today that we didn't get to thankful ritual after dinner.  So, I've decided, since I am the Grand Pooba of this blog, that I will pick one  (of many) things that I'm thanful for about each of these special people.

I'm thankful for:

Little Girl -  The daily affirmation of her love which starts like this "Mom, do you know what I like most about you..." It usually ends with "everything!"
Little Boy - The decision he makes daily to make it a good day.
Him - His long arms and tight hugs.
Nonna - Her constant support.

People who live the most fulfilling lives
are the ones who are always rejoicing at what they have.

Richard Carlson, PhD,
"Shortcut Through Therapy"


Alison said...

How strange and wonderful it is that you comment on my post about gratitude and I am now commenting on your post about blessings. :)

Nice to meet you!

Shell said...

So sweet!

Beth Zimmerman said...

Beautiful! And what a wonderful topic for a blog! This will be such an awesome way to look back for your kids as they grow! Have you considered doing an annual blog to book type thing? I think it would be a precious annual Christmas gift for your family and such a treasure for generations to come!

Rachael said...

What a different world it would be if we were all more grateful for the things God gives us.

Mrs. G. said...

You have a lot to be thankful for. How wonderful that you realize it!